E Corry Kole (they/them), CPD

Welcome to this little corner of the internet. I am a full spectrum birth, death and rebirth doula, parent, community organizer, writer and creative living out my days as a settler on the unceded lands of the Narragansett and Wampanoag people. I midwife change in all of its forms: from families, to organizations, to movements, believing in the restoration of all things.

I trained with Mama Shafia Monroe as a Full Circle Perinatal Doula in the legacy of Black midwifery, which is the ongoing work of uprooting oppressive systems and co-creating a more human, connected and liberated world. I am currently enrolled in a Masters program at the California Institute of Integral Studies, pursuing the work of Transformative Leadership, and I am a proud member-owner of the RI Birthworker Cooperative.

I founded Ezer Birth Collective in 2019 after birthing my children and being utterly changed by those experiences, and I have been accompanying families through life and death work ever since. As I have moved through many portals of death and rebirth myself, so has this work. Under a new name, and with more clarity and scope, Doors PVD is reborn: offering presence as you discover your power and resilience through life’s thresholds of transformation.