The Enneagram is commonly organized by the following triads:
These “intelligence centers” communicate the primary part of the body through which these types navigate the world.
"Each of these Intelligence Centers offers us a different way of experiencing the loving presence and voice of God.
Heuertz, Christopher L.. The Sacred Enneagram (p. 88). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
Chris Heuertz says of the Gut Triad, “[They] experience life through intuitive instincts and tactile engagement with their senses… As gut people ride waves of intensity, instead of shaking it off, they often project their energy onto others as an unconscious way of dissipating the constant static noise of frustration they perpetually experience… At their best, gut people harness this energy and direct it through their initiating ability to build a better world; at their worst, it seems everything annoys them.”
Here you’ll find the Labor Guides for the Gut Triad, types 8, 9 and 1. Enjoy!