Heart people are social types who feel their way through life by leaning into their emotional intelligence. Those in the Feeling Center teeter between compulsions for connection with others and comparison with others to validate their own sense of worth… At their core they project their fears through quiet attempts to have their own needs met: Twos want to be loved for who they are; Threes are concerned they’re more admired than loved; Fours worry there will be no one with the particular ability to love them for what sets them apart as special.

Heuertz, Christopher L.. The Sacred Enneagram (p. 95). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

As a card-carrying member of the Heart Triad, I can confirm that learning to trust my feelings as a way that God has made me to discern God’s presence and will has been incredibly transformational. I hope these Labor Guides help Type 2, 3 and 4 moms to trust themselves in the process.